Archive for the ‘double simcard adapters’ Category

Rebel Lite & Pro Dual Sim Adapter Designs for iPhone 4 with & without the need to cut networks Simcards to micro sim format World First

August 29, 2010

Rebel Lite Dual Simcard Adapters

Solutions Point Limited

No More swapping Sim Cards over using the supplied Iphone opener tool with the Iphone 4 impossible sim gates style from apple every time.


Well no more of the complicated fiddling around and keeping your other network Sim Cards in your wallets or purses & pockets in jeans, trousers or jackets.

No more worrying if your spouse ended up washing your other network sim card in the washing machine as you forgot to take it out.

The New Rebel Pro & Lite Dual Sim adapters are here to save the day.

  • The Rebel Lite Dual Sim Adapters provides a new more powerful and convenient way of switching between network Sim Cards like not available before.
  • It’s much more practical when your networks Sims are in the right place and inside the Rebel Dual sim adapters.
  • You can simply switch between network Simcards in a few clicks by going to the Rebel STK Menu in the Iphone 4 under Settings /Phone / Sim Applications.
  • This is a great way to save money and complications when you travel to another country and wish to use a local provider’s network sim with an unlocked Iphone 4.
  • Save money in your home country by using network Simcards from MVNO’s that share the same network code as your locked Iphone 4.

Rebel Iphone 4 Lite Dual Sim adapter

Specification of Rebel Lite Iphone 4 Dual sim adapter by the Rebel Team


1        Network Simcard Pre Cut to Micro Simcard format.  ( Not included )

1        Network Simcard Not Cut to Micro Simcard format or a Pre Cut micro sim with a Rebel Micro sim adapter. ( Not included )

1        Virtually any Case that case be used to keep the Rebel Lite adapter in place but a Black Coloured Case is supplied with the Kit as standard.

Important Please Note

The Dual Cards do NOT support DUAL STANDBY Mode but you can switch between them and be connected to one network Simcard at any one time only.

How To Install the Rebel Lite Dual sim Adapter

Take out the Network Simcard from your Iphone 4 with opener tool supplied by Apple.

Step 1


Enter a pre cut micro sim as shown in the step 1 picture and bend the FPCB as shown

Place your Normal Mini size Simcard in the Second slot as shown

Now you are ready to insert in to Iphone 4


Do Not rush Step 4 and slide the rebel dual sim adapter in to the Iphone 4 sim gate till you hear the click and then the sim tray is locked in to place.


After full insertion in to the Iphone 4 sim tray this is how it will look and don’t worry if stick out by a few mm and does not fully insert

The first time you power on your will be connected to the Sim Slot 1 where the micro sim is connected.

When you would like to switch to the other full size network sim connected in sim tray 2 then this is how to do that.


Look for the Rebel STK Menu in the iPhone 4 under Settings /Phone / Sim Applications.


When you click on the Switch Number you have these options

And will not see a * next to any of the options if it’s the first time you are using it.

Now to go to SIM2 we would simply select that option by clicking on it and this would switch to the other network sim and when you want to come back to SIM1 come back to the menu option and select that one.

You can also set a timing option so you can automatically alternate between network simcards connected by setting a time in minutes.


You may want to be able to swap simcards many times a day as and when you need to use your other network Simcard.

On the other hand if your Iphone 4 is locked to one network then you can only use 2 network Simcards in the locked Iphone 4 that come from the same network provider or a MVNO that shares your locked Iphone 4 providers as explained below.

What are the Rebel Iphone 4 Dual sim adapters used for?

To save you time and money and hassle of manually changing network Simcards around by physically changing them.

Let me give you this scenario about using MVNO’s in the UK you could easily use Tesco or GiffJaff in your locked Iphone 4 that’s locked on only 02 with the Rebel Dual Sim Adapters

If your phone is locked to say one network only and for example it’s UK O2. You can still use and save money as other virtual mobile network operators often have much cheaper offering that share the same network code.

This allows the network Simcards from MVNO’s Sims to work and will also work on your locked Iphone 4′s.

At the moment Giff Gaff is like Tesco mobile who are a MVNO’s that run on the 02 network and is offering a very good deal along with Tesco mobile and their tripling credit offer.

They like other MVNO’s buy bulk airtime deals and resell on under their own brand. These network simcards all share in common the same network code 23410 which tells the phone to login to the UK O2 Network.

This network code is called the MCC Mobile county code which in this case is 234 for all UK network simcards & the MNC Mobile Network code which in this case is 10 for the entire network Simcards that run on the UK O2 network.

You too can check from the list here for other MVNO in your home country as we gave you an example for the UK and then be able have access to great deals by simply switching over to the other network Simcard in a few click that’s already inside your rebel dual sim card adapter

Unlocked Iphone 4 users and freedom of choice to use any network Simcard.

Can I Use other Case Designs with the Rebel Lite Dual sim Adapter ?

Yes you see examples below using popular cases in the marketplace.


rebel-lite-dual-sim-adapter-demo-pic6rebel-lite-dual-sim-adapter-demo-pic9rebel-lite-dual-sim-adapter-demo-pic18 (2)

About Rebel Simcard Team

We are the Rebel Simcard Team from

Rebel Simcard Team are well versed with CAD/CAM and Rapid Prototyping and Production of Mobile Phone Network Simcards, simcard Cutters & unlocking equipment.

Coupled with our experience in Design and Manufacturing and Distribution we are your number one choice to deliver you the Best product and quality available with Fast Shipping From our UK Warehouse to Global Destination using in house Fedex & Dhl Shipping Facilities.

Rebel Micro Sim Cutter & Adapter are Designed by the Rebel Team UK.

Solutions Point Limited is a Company based in Rochdale. Contact us Today and See if help find the Solution for you.

All brandnames, logos, trademarks and trade names listed on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Solutions Point Ltd and Rebel Simcard are in no way associated or affiliated to any of these brands or companies listed on this pdf guide

Copyright © 2008-2010

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Rebel Lite Red Micro Sim Cutter for iphone 4 & ipad network sims Now shipping

August 26, 2010

Now Shipping Red Rebel Lite Micro Sim Cutters & on special Offer  Only £4.99 + PP

Get yourself a Micro sim cutter Bargain

Convert standard sim card (15*25mm) to micro sim card(12*15mm) with our special Lite Version of the Rebel micro sim cutter which provides Cutting Edge performance and affordability with Optional 5 Micro Sim to Mini sim Adapters

This is a very superior design and unlike other other cutters in the market users are able to operate with 2 fingers and need to apply only little force to make a successful accurate cut.

Cutting micro simcards with the Latest Design of the Rebel Lite Micro Sim cutter has becomes childs play.

The Optional Rebel Micro to mini adapters are the highest grade worldwide and have a click in mechanism.Operates in the same way and ease of use as a stapler.

No need to apply high amounts of pressure to make the cut as the advanced mechanism within out cutter does the hard work for you.

This cutter is designed for hand operation and a table or flat surface is not required.

Special Offer and Red Cutter only available on the Rebel Micro Sim Cutter> Website Home>Rebel Lite Micro Sim card Cutter for IPad & IPhone4G

Apple iphone 4 ipad Rebel Micro Sim Card Cutter & Rebel Micro Sim Adapters Now shipping From Stock with worldwide shipping options

July 2, 2010

Update on Shipping time Scales.

We are shipping orders on first come first served basis. If you order say today expect your order to be despatched in the First Week of July & all pending orders will be shipped by the 9th of July.

World First Rebel Micro sim cutter in house Design

5 FREE Mini to Micro Sim Adapters with Each Rebel Micro Sim Cutter ordered.

Simple 1 Click Cutting

Apple iphone 4 ipad Rebel Micro Sim Card Cutter & Rebel Micro Sim Adapters Now shipping From Stock with worldwide shipping options

New Rebel Micro Sim Card Cutter

An Essential accessory for your iPad & iPhone 4g

Instruction guide to download on how to cut your network sim to micro sim format

Convert standard sim card (15*25mm) to micro sim card(12*15mm) with our special Rebel micro sim cutter Get ready for the future of the Micro Sim Card – Be one step ahead!

Without the Rebel Micro Sim cutter, you need to cut the sim card by yourself or obtain a new sim from your provider and pay more another pre/post paid plan or even still you might end up taking a 2 Year Contract out.

Our Advice is to Buy a Pay as You Go Unlocked iphone 4 or Ipad and save yourself from 2 Year Contracts sign ups.

The Rebel Simcard Team Are Happy To announce the Completion of a secret project code namedAppleusersmicrobrain.

Dont be fooled in to thinking this is to do with Neural Networks and Mind games. The code name implies any one who owns or wants to own Apple products posses’s a micro sized brain and enjoys throwing thier good money down the gutter. This codename gave the Rebel Simcard Team members who worked on the project a great incentive as they knew they would be saving users around the world a lot of money by providing an easy option to use their existing Mini network Simcards and convert them to the Micro Sim Format.Why should Apple Expect you to resort to taking out yet another Contract for Voice and Data & have to obtain a Micro simcard to use with the New Breed of its Devices like the iphone 4 & ipad.

You most probably already are on a good deal already with your network provider and most users will  not be near the contract completion date either so will not be eligible for good priced upgrades to iphone 4 or ipads. User on the Pay as u Go Mobile Virtual Network operators and want to keep you same sim and Voice/Data plans and your their network operators will still be in the early stages of rolling  supplies of  micro sims. Introducing the Hottest Gadget since the iphone 4G & ipad the Rebel Micro Simcard Cutter The Newly Releasing Rebel Micro Simcard Cutter (RMSC) product Is the Solution that delivers for you cutting edge functionality & can save you£1,000.00

US $1,514.47
‘s of pounds by allowing you to Cut Normal Mini network Simcards that we all already posses to the Micro Simcard format  which is the Format Ipad and Iphone 4G are using..

The Rebel Micro simcard Cutter is not an ordinary product as we re-engineered the design 5 times  before we felt we are able to deliver to you indeed a Durable and Quality Product that can be used time and time agian to help yourself and your friends and family to save or even your whole neighbourhood and their friends and neighbours all put together. The Rebel Micro Simcard Cutter has been Engineered in the UK by the Rebel Simcard Team to such a high standard that users can operate the Gadget with one hand that’s long lasting and durable and designed for Unlock Shops and End users. Precise operation and Super high Quality Blade allow over 100000 sims to be cut to micro sim format. An Essential accessory for your iPad & iPhone 4g

  • Convert standard sim card (15*25mm) to micro sim card(12*15mm) with our special Rebel micro sim cutter Get ready for the future of the Micro Sim Card – Be one step ahead!
  • Without the Rebel Micro Sim cutter, you need to cut the sim card by yourself or obtain a new sim from your provider and pay more another pre/post paid plan or even still you might end up taking a 2 Year Contract out.
  • Our Advice is to Buy a Pay as You Go Unlocked iphone 4 or Ipad and save yourself from 2 Year Contracts sign ups and convert own Mini sims to Micro Sims at work or work in seconds with minimal effort the Smart Way.
  • Convert Mini Simcard to Micro Simcard Format in Seconds the Professional Way using Professional Tools like the RMSC.
  • Recieve 2 Free Micro Sim to Normal Mini Sim adapters which are also designed by the Rebel Simcard Team and we can guarantee this is the Highest Quality product of its kind worldwide.

Please note Pictures are from the Design and Concept team and the Final Product may vary in Design but the function will be the same.

Micro SIM not compatible with iPad The Full Story by the Rebel Simcard Team

June 17, 2010

What’s the difference between a SIM and a micro-SIM?

Like a regular SIM, the micro-SIM holds your subscriber information for the carrier and is great for storing
iphone 4gphone book contacts and other personal information. Micro-SIMs are user-replaceable and slide into a little slot in your device just like regular SIMs.

The micro-SIM is a smaller version of a SIM card found in your mobile phone, but holds exactly the same functions and micro-applications. The size of the micro-SIM is about a half of a regular SIM card (12×15 mm instead of 15x25mm). Though it contains the same information, it is not physically compatible with regular SIM cards found in your mobile phone.

A micro-SIM is basically smaller than a normal SIM card like you have and will only work in an iPad or iphone 4 and a watch phone by Lok8u,.

You can see from the images below and see the sim is much smaller than normal but the inner workings of the sim chip are the same with only small modifications that will be further explained down below in the article.






iPad Voda micro sim


AT&T Micro Sim

Should i use Scissors or a Knife or Blade to Cut my Sim to Micro Sim Format to use in ipad or Apple 4 ?

Not so Fast as thier was some news in today from Apple that might put a damper on your plans to save yourself a Wad of Notes. It would be reckless to consider taking a pair of scissors to cut the plastic of a regular SIM cards to make a micro-SIM. Anyone who would attempt to do so would risk damaging both their SIM and also the SIM slot of the device but its possible with some Skill.

A better option would be to contact your carrier to get a micro-SIM card or if you do want to convert a normal sim to a micro sim use the Micro sim Cutter Option and if you need to convert your micro sim back to normal you can also use micro sim adapters..

Why Apple Moved to the New Micro Sim Format.

Apple have learnt from previous sim unlock hacks via Sim Overlay Technology from the likes of Rebel Simcard for unlocking, Call  Control Least Cost routing and the use of Double Sim Adapters and have gone to micro Sim format to do their best to block out the possibility of future hacks. Changing down to the micro format so that they can make it much harder to fit Gadgets inside the iphone 4 or ipad sim gates.




Another reason Apple moved to the new format was a smart marketing technique. Their is nothing new about the micro sim other than the change of size and apple know this would be good talking point for others to create more talk and publicity around their products and people will percieve also the micro sim is special for apple products or even made by them.

The micro sim was first used by Lok8u, they were the first to ship a micro-SIM product in the United States — a watch that relays the location of children from their wrists to their parents’ cellphones.Jobs Got in Second on the Act here but will claim the Glory and portray this as Apples invention too.

Today’s News Puts a Damper on the Hopes of People wanting to use their existing network Simcard on the Apple Ipad

Apple has added a section to its iPhone FAQ confirming that you won’t be able to use one Micros SIM in both the smartphone and the Apple iPad.

Thousands off people who don’t want to Sign up to New 2 Year  Contracts from Carriers planned to buy an Ipad  Sim Free and use their Existing Simcards which have free or cheap internet packages by converting then by cutting them self or through the of micro sim cuttings tools have had their Plans blown out of the window for Now with the new announcement.

The official line on this from UK O2 is “The micro-SIMs for the iPhone are set up to allow voice calls, SMS messages and data functionality, whereas the iPad micro-SIM is provisioned to allow pay-as-you-go data transfer only.”

“The two devices are designed to give a different experience. The iPhone 4 is for regular use, whereas with the iPad we offer moreflexibility over data use.”

Makes perfect business sense from Apple’s point of view, but seems a riff off as the Device is Purchased Sim Free and such Restrictions should not be placed. This means we need to have two monthly data plans if we want 3G mobile browsing.

The two types of Micro Sim card for Apple ipad & Iphone 4 Explained and Can you use if you convert you existing sims to micro sim format.

Most networks around the world sell 2 types of network simcard.

  1. Voice & Data Enabled Simcard where you can Make Calls and also Use to Surf the Net. This is the most common type of simcard around the world and is same as what we find in mobile phones and phones like Iphone 3G 3G 3GS.
  2. Data Only Simcard Where you cant make Calls but Can use to surf the Net Only. This type of network simcard is quite new and only few years old & can only be used in devices who primary function is to supply Data only Services and you will already find these kinds of simcards in devices like data dongle & Mifi Devices and often are bundled in to deals with Laptops that are sold with internal wireless GPRS EDGE 3G Modems.

If you already have a Good mobile contract Deal with Free Data allowance this Leaves you with the Following options if you convert you network sim to micro format and buy a Sim Free iphone 4 or Ipad 3G.

Can i use my Normal Voice & Data enabled Sim ?

Sim Free iphone 4              Sim Free ipad

YES                                                 No

Can i use my Data only Sim from my existing data dongle or Mifi with Sim Free Ipad & Iphone 4G ?

Sim Free iphone 4              Sim Free ipad

Yes *                                                    Yes

*To be confirmed by our guess is Yes but for Data Only and not voice

UK Mobile Networks and thier offerings for Micro Sims

Rival networks OrangeVodafone and 3 are all offering customers the chance to pre-order the Micro SIMs needed to use the iPad’s 3G capabilities

The UK O2 network is offering its daily tariff (£2 per day for 500MB) but users need to wait for Friday before they can order their SIM.

MicroSim adapter for iPad iphone 4 Convert Sim to Micro Sim

Do you have an Apple iPad or planning to buy one soon – Did you know that your existing SIM card will not fit? I will send you full instructions on how to cut down your existing SIM along with an adapter to allow you to use this SIM card in your existi