Rebel Iphone 2G 3G 3GS 4G & Ipads Rebel Activation Card

April 28, 2010

Iphone 2G 3G 3GS 4G & Ipads Rebel Activation Card Available

Apple Iphone mobile Activate Sim Card

Compatible with iPhone3G, 3Gs and the latest OS 4 (iPhone 4) ipad

Once you’ve got your new iPhone, you’ll need to connect to the latest version of iTunes to activate it. And which will ask for activation with original simcard. but when you have not the Sim , what to do ?

Q. I don’t have original sim card and i need to activate it?

A You can buy this Sim Card for activation and this way you dont need a sim from the original network the phone or ipad is locked on to be able to activate and use.

Dont be Sat on a Lemon and use this Card to activate your phone and be able to use the functions and get past the screen on the iphone where its asking to be activated.

Q . Is it working for my iphone or ipad ?

A Yes, Working for any version. including the latest OS 4 (iPhone 4) and ipads

Q. I don’t know my Iphone network operator ?

A Don’t worry , the Rebel activation card will auto detect your network for you.

Q. How is this simcard  working?

A step-by-step guide to everything you need to know about iPhone activation to get you started using it right away! You do search on google , eg, Introduction to iPhone Activation.

Just plug in to your device and connect to itunes and that’s it Easy as ABC

Note: This Sim card not for unlock phone baseband etc. and is Activation By pass only.

Order Activation Card  in the Parent site Rebel simcard

Order Activation card in a Sister Site of the Rebel Micro sim cutter

See Video on how Activation and Phone Book Card works

Automatically Least Cost Route high priced international calls from iphone 2G 3G 3GS through cheaper VOIP services using Rebel Simcard II Call control firmware v2 How To Demo

April 24, 2010
Automatic GSM diallers can be either be installed as software or as hardware.

This Demo shows how to use the Rebel Sim II Dialler v2 firmware in iphone 3GS which is a Hardware based Automatic Least Cost Routing Dialling System.

The hardware Rebel  sim II  dialler is a thin chip of a similar shape to a phone’s SIM that sits between the SIM and the phone.

A sim dialer allows users to use international calling card services through the mobile phone without changing normal dialing procedures.

Once set up has been Completed users dont need to worry about being charged Excessive Prices for international calls and the system Detects numbers that Start with 00 and routes the call automatically to your desired Calling service Access number.

In this Example we first obtained calling credit from a VOIP server like  but you can any other voip or calling card provider of your choice.

Step 1

How Cut the Network Simcard Safely Using the Network Simcard Cutter

Step 2

Place the Rebel Sim ii with firmware v2 for Call through in the iphone 3GS simgate as show but if your using other phone models check the guide here on how to enter the rebel simcard II in other simgate styles


Step 3

Place some tape over the simgate so you can always remove safely. Tape is only advised for all iphone models only.

Step 4

Click on Settings and Then Phone then Sim Applications at the bottom of the Screen

rebel sim dialler

Step 5

In the Config Menu you can see the * Next to Enable by Default

Click on Editing Numbers and here enter you call through access number supplied by your Voip provider

rebel sim diallerrebel sim dialler

Step 6

Now click on Dialling Rules and Select the No 00 option as we want to automatically route all numbers through that start with 00 to save on international calls.

rebel sim diallerrebel sim dialler

Step 7

Now Configure the Dialler to Work for iphones. By clicking on Dialling Modes From menu Select ICC2 option

rebel sim dialler

You are Ready now and as a demo we placed a called to a numbers that does not start with 00 and the phone call is not changed and goes through as normal

rebel sim dialler

Now Place a call from your phone memory or dial on the keypad any number that starts with 00 and the Rebel Sim Dialler software kicks in and DOES not Let a Direct Call Take Place.

Instead the Access number is called and when the Voip access number sees the Caller ID of your phone it auto answers and supplied you with Dialtone to dial your number. The Rebel sim Dialler sends the Voip provider of the number you dailled via DTMF tones and they connect the call but so much cheaper.

rebel sim diallerrebel sim diallerrebel sim diallerrebel sim dialler

rebel sim diallerrebel sim dialler

See the Full video below of how to break free from high international call charges without changing your dialling habits has its easy as its automatic.

Rebel Sim Diallers can be ordered here for new customers and users who already have a rebel simcard II can programmer can download the files here to program the v2 call control firmware to use.

Download the iphones Call routing Manual below


New BETA Baseband Downgrade Tool For Palm Pre Phones Released

April 21, 2010

Palm Pre baseband downgrade Tool how to Guide for Web OS 1.4/1.4.1

We found that many users who had purchased a Rebel Simcard II for Palm Pre phones have had to loose 3G functions due to Auto software updates from Palm like the 1.4.1  which restricts usage to 2G only.

As this is not due the Fault of the Rebel simcard II Palm Pre users as updates can happen without thier knowledge automatically.

You can use this Tool Free if you have a rebel simcard II and can downgrade the Baseband of the 1.4/1.4.1 Palm Pre Web OS and then have full 3G and network renewal functions enabled once again like it was on the 1.3.5 firmware.

Another option this software supplies you with is if you want to block out future auto updates of the Palm Web OS.

Step 1
Make sure Palm Pre is charged at least %50

Step 2
Download and Install Microsoft Framework 3.5 from here

Reboot PC

Step 3

Enable Developer Mode on the Palm Pre

There are now two ways known to enable the Pre’s dev mode.
1. Simply enter the Konami cheat code:
2. or enter this:
webos200906Step 306
in either way, you’ll see a “secret” menu switch that allows you to enable the developer mode. After that reboot the device.

Do not connect to the the Pre to the PC yet

Step 4
Click here to Download the Baseband Downgrade Tool

Step 5
Run the file you just downloaded and Extract the File in a directory on the PC like the desktop

Step 6
Inside the Directory you chose you will have 2 exe – Installer and preloader.

Step 7

Run it, hit install and it will prompt you to install novacom, after installation it will reboot the PC,

Step 8

after the PC has rebooted run the preloader, connect the phone, Let the novacom drivers automatically install,

Step 9
Connect the Phone
When drivers installed press “Start here”
and the process will start.

Step 10

Now the Applications will start doing its work
1 stage – copying the firmware to phone,

At the copy stage the software will stop responding, but if a high speed USB will be used then it will take 5 seconds, on a slow (USB HUB1.0) it will take about 1,5 minutes.

Step 11
Now application starts baseband downgrade process
2 stage – downgrading.

Downgrade process may halt with “Processing file..” then just close software and run it again. Its novacom bug.

Step 12

Additional Notes

After the modem is reboot users will see “Your device is ready for use” and at this stage you can click on the Next button to continue to disabling the auto updates if you wish to stop new updates taking place on the Palm Web OS.


Now you are Ready To use Rebel Simcard II unlock and use full 3G functions with the 1.4/1.4.1 firmware.

If you still have SOS then do a network search and select your network to finish.

Other good links

Modifying WebOS carrier network settings

Rebel Simcard II v1.1 firmware now Ready for Download for all Users to unlock any HTC phone worldwide

April 20, 2010

Special Firmware for HTC Phones with Windows Mobile & Android  Manufactured After 2 February 2010.

No More Code not Found

No Need To pay High Prices for unlock codes

No Need to Wait for codes or server logs

No Cables Required

Full 3G Functions can be used for Voice and DATA

World Wide Network Support

This Firmware has no STK menu and once loaded on to Rebel Sim II its Ready to Unlock all the Newest HTC Models like HD2 Desire Legend etc.

No Need to Change modes as this firmware does not have a rebel sim menu for modes and needs no Config once Loaded.

Rebel Simcard II Firmware Versions Description Rebel Menu Date Download

Rebel Simcard II update Firmware v1.1

Special Firmware for HTC Phones with Windows Mobile & Android .

This Firmware has no STK menu and once loaded on to Rebel Sim II its Ready to Unlock all the Newest Models like HD2 Desire Legend etc.

No Need to Change modes as this firmware does not have a rebel sim menu for modes and needs no Config once Loaded.

No 20 April 2010 Download

Zip of All Rebel simcard II Firmwares Plus Programming Software in 1 Download

How To use programmers to update

You can order pre programmed/configured Rebel Simcard II for any HTC phone here

Wholesale & Trader Deals can be ordered here

Some of the Newest HTC  Supported Models

HTC Desire unlock simcard
HTC HD mini unlock simcard
HTC Legend unlock simcard
HTC Smart unlock simcard
HTC HD2 unlock simcard
HTC Pure unlock simcard
HTC Tattoo unlock simcard
HTC Touch2 unlock simcard

New Baseband Downgrade application to be released this week to unlock the latest 1.4.1 palm OS firmware

April 19, 2010

Development is under way for all Palm Pre Rebel Simcard II users.

As you know the Automatic update to the 1.4/1.4.1 firmware works only in GSM 2G mode for users currently unless a Baseband Downgrade is performed which then allows full 3G functions to be used.

The current method requires technical expertise to be perform will soon become literally a 1 click process to perform.

This will be made available for all Rebel Simcard Users Free of Charge.

Users can still experience the latest 1.4.1 firmware functions and with full 3G access. Only a Small part of a special part of the Baseband Firmware will be modified and will not affect your phone in any other way other than be able to Full 3G functions of your Pre phone with the Rebel Simcard II.

More info coming soon this week

Gadget Show Live 2010 Rebel Simcard Stand B15a Event Summary

April 13, 2010

First of all let me tell you about the Great Success of the the Gadget Show Live.

The Rebel Simcard Stand was very busy with the live demo’s of how the Rebel simcard  overlay Technology Works.

We Found many of the Gadget gurus at the show has never been exposed to the wonderful technology we offer and were totally amazed to see how simple mobile phone network restrictions bypassing & Least Cost Routing could be using the Rebel Simcard.

We met up with 100’s of people who travel out side the UK and who make international call regularly were amazed to see how Rebel Simcard Callback and Call-through Gadgets could help them on Roaming and international Call costs in an autonomous way using the sim dialler Tech.

We Look Forward to seeing you at the Show Next Year.

How To make your iphone 4 or ipad micro sim

April 5, 2010

Please read our disclaimer* before carrying out this tutorial. Despite the 3G version of the iPad being sold unlocked, it requires a whole new type of SIM card, a MicroSIM.

Traditional SIMs measure 15 x 25mm and have that angled corner. The new micro-SIM is officially 12 x 15mm. That’s effectively the size of just the normal SIM contact area.

1. Here’s a traditional SIM and its measurements, the only working area is the metal contacts.

step.01 420 90 How to make your own iPad micro SIM

2. This is the same SIM with the micro-SIM specifications overlaid. You can use this to trim yours down to size.

step.02 420 90 How to make your own iPad micro SIM

3. Cut your SIM down to size…

step.03 420 90 How to make your own iPad micro SIM

4. …and now it’s ready to pop in to your iPad.

Note: AT&T’s version of the micro-SIM appears to be around 13.5 x 16.5mm – enough to give the original contact area 1.1mm clearance along the bottom and left edge and 1.7mm along the top and right area – so it may be worth holding off on the scissors until we get our hands on an iPad and check the correct dimensions.

*Touch User Guide provides the information for this project in good faith and makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. Individuals carrying out the instructions in this project do so at their own risk.

To reverse the procedure above is super simple with a MicroSIM adapter (available from

photo How to make your own iPad micro SIM

The MicroSIM adapter allows you to use your existing MicroSIM (or homemade one) and pop it back in your iPhone. This is ideal if you want to share one SIM between your iPhone and iPad.

MicroSIM Adapers

Visit the Rebel Simcard Team at the Gadget show Live at NEC 7th to the 11th April 2010 on Stand B15a

March 25, 2010

Come  join us the Gadget Show Live between the 7th & 11th of April in Birmingham at the NEC Exhibition Centre on Stand B 15a.

We will be Launching the most power full firmware ever for unlocking Smart phones with Windows Mobile and Android OS for the Rebel Simcard II.

Rebel Simcard is the world leader in the Sim Overlay Technology and has already helped 100′ of thousands of users to by pass network locks and restrictions placed on thier phones without the need of cables and software to be able to use their choice of network simcards.

No Specialist Technical knowledge is required to unlock the Latest Smart phones.  Learn how to unlock phones the easy way.

Rebel Simcard II is compatible worldwide with any phone that uses the Google Android OS and Windows Mobile Phones Below

Android Phones Supported

Acer Liquid A1

ARCHOS Phone Tablet

Dell Mini 3ix

Dell Streak

Docomo HT03A

Geeksphone one

HTC Click

HTC Dragon

HTC Dream

HTC Eris

HTC Hero

HTC Lancaster

HTC Magic

HTC Tattoo

Huawei u8230

Lenovo O1

LG Amundsen

LG Eve

Motorola Backflip

Motorola Calgary

Motorola CLIQ

Motorola Devour

Motorola Droid

Motorola Heron

Motorola Milestone

Motorola Motori

Nexus One

Philips V808

Samsung Behold 2

Samsung Bigfoot

Samsung Galaxy

Samsung InstinctQ m900

Samsung Moment

Samsung SHW-M100S

Samsung Spica

Sprint HTC Hero

-Mobile Pulse

T-Mobile G1

T-Mobile G2 Touch

T-Mobile MyTouch 3G

Xperia X3

Windows Mobile 6.x Phones

AT&T Tilt

HP iPAQ 510


HTC Mogul

HTC Touch


Motorola Moto Q 9m

Motorola Moto Q Global

Motorola Q9C

Pantech Duo

Psion WPG2

Samsung Ace

Samsung Blackjack II

Samsung Epix

Samsung Omnia

Samsung SCH-i760

T-Mobile Dash 6.0

T-Mobile Shadow

T-Mobile Wing

Verizon SMT5800

Verizon XV6800

Verizon XV6900

Windows Mobile 5.x / 2003SE Phones

Audiovox 5600

Cingular 2125

Cingular 3125

Cingular 8525

CN3 Mobile

Dopod 515

Dopod 557w

Dopod 586w

Eten M700

HP iPaq hw6920

HP iPaq hw6925


HTC P4350

HTC S310

HTC S620


i-mate JAQ

i-mate JAQ3

i-mate Smartflip

i-mate Smartphone

i-mate Smartphone2

i-mate SP3

i-mate SP3i

i-mate SP5

i-mate SP5m

i-mate SPL

MIO 8380

Motorola i930

Motorola MC9097-G

Motorola MC70

Motorola Moto-Q

Motorola MPx200

Motorola MPx220

Motorola Q

O2 Xda Cosmo

O2 Xda IQ

O2 Xda Phone

O2 Xda Phone II

Orange MPx200

Orange SPV

Orange SPV c500

Orange SPV c550

Orange SPV c600

Orange SPV e100

Orange SPV e200

Pantech PN-820

Qtek 7070

Qtek 8010

Qtek 8020

Qtek 8060

Qtek 8080

Qtek 8100

Qtek 8300

Qtek 8310

Qtek 8500

Sagem myS-7

Samsung BlackJack

Samsung i600

Samsung SCH-i730

Samsung SGH-i300

Samsung SGH-i320

Sierra Wireless Voq

Smart Amazing Phone

Sprint IP-830

Sprint Moto-Q

T-Mobile Dash

T-Mobile SDA 1

T-Mobile SDA 2

T-Mobile SDA 3

Verizon Moto-Q

Verizon PN-820

Verizon XV6700

How to Unlock Palm Pre from O2 Telcel Movistar with 1.4.1 firmware

March 23, 2010

The new Palm pre firmware 1.4 has been released.

However Rebel sim II is not Fully Compatiable with 1.4 firmware unless some firmware modifications is made but Rebel Simcard II is still the only way to unlock the Palm Pre phones.

Users who upgrade to the 1.4 WEBOS firmware will not be able to use the 3G UMTS networks.  The 1.4 WEBOS firmware restricts the Rebel simcard II from being able to Generate Network Authentications keys due to the Modem Baseband software being updated by the 1.4 firmware.

Use blog link to download a Free tool to help you downgrade

Palm Unlock Sim

Palm Unlock Sim

Palm Pre Cases

Palm Pre Cases



Palm Pre Screen Protectors

Palm Pre Screen Protectors

New*PALM Pre instant Unlock Server*

New*PALM Pre instant Unlock Server*

Rebel simcard blog translation update allowing more languages from around the world

February 22, 2010
Languages available for translation for Rebel Simcard Website